Ameya Matele
Hello! My name is Ameya Matele, and I am studying at Memorial High School. I am involved in
multiple activities and clubs such as Mu Alpha Theta, Calculator Club, Student World Affairs
Club/Council, World Quest, Aerospace Club, Key Club, MMOB, and many others. I have also
received numerous prestigious awards pursuing my passion for writing. During my free time, I love
to read, workout, watch YouTube, and hang out with my friends.
I have always tried my best to find creative ways to help people, especially kids, achieve their goals
and pursue their passions. For example, throughout our lives, we have heard about instances of
where people are deprived of basic necessities such as proper education. That is why I am lucky to
facilitate a reading program that works to increase literacy, proficiency, and enjoyment in the
English language, in a way that helps kids from low-income families to hone in on their reading and
writing skills and give them a better chance of becoming what they want to later in life.